Berichte der UN-Sonderberichterstatter*innen zum Recht auf Nahrung

Dieses Verzeichnis listet sämtliche Berichte der UN-Sonderberichterstatter*innen für das Recht auf Nahrung auf und wird laufend nachgeführt. Bisherige Sonderberichterstatter*innen für das Recht auf Nahrung sind:

Thematische Berichte

Thematische Berichte

  • Agriculture and the right to food (Agribusiness and the right to food (A/HRC/13/33, 2010) / Agrarian reform and the right to food (A/57/356, 2002))
  • Agricultural Workers and the right to food (A/73/164, 2018)
  • Children’s right to food (A/HRC/4/30, 2007)
  • Climate change and the right to food (Impact of climate change on the right to food (A/70/287, 2015) / Agroecology and the right to food (A/HRC/16/49, 2011))
  • Conflict and the right to food (A/HRC/52/40, 2022 / in armed conflict and protracted crises (part of A/HRC/46/33, 2020) / Right to food in conflict situations (A/72/188, 2017) / Right to food and armed conflict (A/56/210, 2001))
  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (A/77/177, 2022 / part of A/HRC/46/33, 2020)
  • Extraterritorial obligations in relation to the right to food (E/CN.4/2005/47, 2005)
  • Fisheries and the right to food (… in the context of climate change (A/HRC/55/49, 2024) / Fisheries and the right to food (A/67/268, 2012) / The right to food and fishing livelihoods (A/59/385, 2004))
  • Food aid and the realization of the right to food (The impacts of food aid on the human right to adequate food (2008) / The role of development cooperation and food aid in realizing the right to adequate food (A/HRC/10/5, 2009))
  • Food crisis (Building resilience: a human rights framework for world food and nutrition security (A/HRC/9/23, 2008) / Crisis into opportunity: reinforcing multilateralism (A/HRC/12/31, 2009))
  • Food systems (Food system recovery and transformation (A/78/202) / … and trade and territorial markets (A/76/237, 2021) / … and global governance (part of A/HRC/46/33, 2020) / … and food crises and the future of the right to food (A/HRC/43/44, 2020))
  • Gender and the right to food (Integrating a gender perspective in the right to food (A/HRC/31/51, 2016) / Women’s rights and the right to food (A/HRC/22/50, 2013) / Gender and the right to food (A/58/330, 2003))
  • Humanitarian sphere (Humanitarian law and humanitarian assistance (E/CN.4/2002/58, 2002))
  • Hunger refugees (A/HRC/4/30, 2007)
  • Indigenous peoples‘ right to food (A/60/350, 2005)
  • Intellectual property rights and their impact on the right to food (A/64/170, 2009)
  • Justiciability of the right to food ((A/HRC/28/65, 2015) / (E/CN.4/2002/58, 2002))
  • Land and the right to food ((A/65/281, 2010) / (A/57/356, 2002))
  • Natural Disasters and the right to food (A/HRC/37/61, 2018)
  • Nutrition and the right to food ((A/71/282, 2016) / (A/HRC/19/59, 2012))
  • Pesticides and the right to food (A/HRC/34/48, 2017)
  • Private sector and the right to food (Transnational corporations and the right to food (E/CN.4/2004/10, 2004) / Human rights criteria for making contract farming and other business models inclusive of small-scale farmers (A/66/262, 2011) / A Set of minimum principles and measures to address the human rights challenge posed by large scale land acquisitions and leases (A/HRC/13/33/Add.2, 2009))
  • Seeds and farmers‘ rights (part of A/HRC/46/33, 2020 / A/HRC/49/43, 2021)
  • Trade and the right to food The Right to Food in the Context of International Trade Law and Policies (A/75/219, 2020) / Guiding principles on human rights impact assessments of trade and investment agreements (A/HRC/19/59/Add.5, 2011) / Findings and recommendations based on a visit to the WTO Secretariat and consultations with various Member States and civil society (A/HRC/10/5/Add.2, 2009) / Trade and food security: the failure at Cancun (E/CN.4/2004/10, 2004))
  • Sustainable Development Goals (A/74/164, 2019)
  • Water and the right to food ((E/CN.4/2003/54, 2003) / (A/56/210, 2001))
